Why did I decide to
write my third book? That was because God, the Lord, has given me all the
formulas of the Bible in order to share them with everyone in the world. How do
you read the bible with the symbols that you find in the fourth Commandments
which God gave Moses, His prophet. Then you can prove yourself that God is the
Author of the Bible before the world was made and He is the only One who gave
inspiration to His prophets through visions, dreams or talking with them.
I as a writer, has evidence that a
very real, and
reliable and trustworthy. That
the Bible is God's
plan Jesus the
Father and Jesus the
Son. Has
been written by
God Himself, from the Genesis
to Revelation. You all around
the world, who read this book Medullaza, will be
able to see with
your own eyes. That God has
laid the
law: Do you
kill the neighbor, the law to 6.
Then the
Lord adjusting the
number 6 on the
creation of man. That
is the day to 6. And the
Lord put His verse in the
Bible as
evidence, in
paragraph 6. If the
number 6 is
reversed downward, will be number 9. Then
the Lord put a
very Powerful evidence of
this, in
the book of
Genesis 9.
Genesis 9: 6 "Hwoever sheds the blood of man, by man shal his
blood be shad; for in the Image of God has God made man. (9 + 6 = 15 = 1 + 5 = 6)
Genesis 1: 27 "So God Created man in His Own Image, in the Image
of God He Created him; male and female He Created them. (1 + 7 = 8)
Exodus 20: 13 "You shall not murder" The Law number 6, of
the Ten Commanments.
(20 +
13 = 33 = 3 +
3 = 6) The Lord Jesus
was crucified, at the age of
Exodus 20: 9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work.
(20 +
13 = 33 = 3 +
3 = 6)
Exodus 31: 15 For six days, work is to be done, but the seventh day
is a Sabbath of rest, Holy to
the LORD. (31 + 15 = 46 = 4 + 6 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1)
Exodus 35: 2 For six days, work is to be done, but the seventh day
shall be your Holy day, a Sabbath of rest to the LORD. Hwoever does any work on it must be
put to death.
+ 2 = 37 = 3 + 7 = 10 =
1 + 0 = 1)
Leviticus 23: 3 "There are six days when you may work, but the Seventh day
is a Sabbath of rest, a day of Sacred assembly. You are not to do any
work; wherever you live, it is a Sabbath to the LORD." (23
+ 3 = 26 = 2 + 6 = 8)
Deuteronomy 5: "13 Six days you shall labor and do all you work,
(5 +
13 = 18 = 1 + 8 = 9)
6 + 8 + 6 + 6 + 1 + 1
+ 8 + 9 =
45 = 4 + 5 = 9
The sixth day on Friday, is the Death of the Lord Jesus. The first day Sunday, is the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus. Among the day of Death and Resurrection,
is the Sabbath, that is, Saturday. Yesus is God His Sabbath. The most important day, the Highest, the Biggest and the most Holy, of all the days.
Just like Between the Coming of
the Lord Jesus the Second time and Eternity in the New Jerusalem. Namely the people of the Lord Jesus rescued, and
who lived for 1000
years in Heaven. Therefore, the Sabbath is a symbol of the 1000
years in Heaven.
In this world, no single book,
which can equal, the
Awesomeness of His Holy Book, which in modern
times is called the Bible.
For that reason I
can confirm that God has given me His inspiration, through dreams and
intuition, to make Medullaza book. This book is the only One in the world which
may explain everyone how they can understand the Bible. With this book you do
not need a high school education because your brain will be guided by the Holy
Spirit to understand and think critically. This book is reachable for everyone
without considering if they are adults or children, educated or uneducated. All
of them will get the same intelligence and I completely sure after reading this
book your faith and confidence in God will increased. Amen! Enjoy your reading
and God bless you & Marry Christmas 2015!
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