maandag 8 februari 2016

4 The workshop program
"The significance of the 10 Commandments of GOD as the basis of global development."  

In March,13-2016 on Sunday 
Why do I plan this workshop on the 13th? Because I have to adapt to the title that I would give to this day.
I, as a writer, will give an explanation, how important the first and third commandments  are and how the relationship between the second and fourth commandment is.
Before GOD the FATHER and GOD the SON had created this earth, they had already prepared a plan of Salvation. GOD made the rules first and then the Creatures. But with men, the opposite occurs. Men often build first, and then make the rules.
"It is the first in the world"
Elizabeth will explain how GOD has begun plans for the creation, through numerology in the Bible.
Elizabeth would like to pass on to others what she has discovered:
- That would give her the numerology of the Bible
- You may also ask questions about all sorts of physical problems that I want to answer with the help of my experiences with GOD and where possible, I will also give advice.
Thus I invite you to visit this informative workshop that is provided by Medullaza and that will be given by Elizabeth Versluis, the writer (65).
This workshop is free. You only need to register because of the Snacks and drinks we have to prepare.
Please register by email to: with the following information:
Date of birth :
Blood Type:
Physical symptoms and when they arose:
It starts at 11.00 - 16.00 hour. The doors will be open at 10:30.
An example of an exercise from the book Medullaza I.

This is the program:

Sunday; Mart,13 -2016
11: 00 Opening
11: 15 Introduction to theme I "The significance of the 10 Commandments from GOD, is like the foundation of the world development."
13: 00 Healthy lunch healthy for all blood types.
14: 00 Introduction to theme II "Why Are A Healthy Body & Mind Very Important For GOD?"
15: 00 Pause to discuss, coffee with healthy biscuits.
16: 00 Close with prayer.

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