These symbols relate
to the flood of Noah and
the Ten
If seen from the year 2015, the
flood occurred 4359
years ago. Noah was born on Feb, 17 in the year 1056 on Sunday, 3759 years ago. (Feb , 17-1056 is 2 + 8 + 3 = 13 = 4) & Sunday = 5;
Date when GOD shut the
door of Noah's ark: Feb,10-1656 on Thursday.
Symbols of Law I & V & X and Creation of the 1th and 5th day. (1) 4
& 7
Date when GOD brought
the flood: Feb,17-1656 on Thursday.
Symbols of Law II & VIII and
Creation of the 2nd day.
(2) 2 & 5
Date when GOD stopped the
rain for 40 days: March,29-1656 on Wednesday.
Symbols of Law III & VI
& IX and Creation
of the 3rd and 6th. (3) 6
& 9
Date when GOD made the
earth dry after
the flood for 150 days: July,17-1656 on Monday.
Symbols of Law IV & VII
and Creation of the
4th and 7th
day, the Eternal Sabbath. (4)
& 8
(Feb,10-1656 on Thursday)
+ (Feb,17-1656 on Thursday)
+ (March,29-1656 on Wednesday) + (July,17-1656 on Monday) = 8 + 6 + 9 + 8 = 31 = 4.
Ten Commandments:
I 1 No other god; 5 Honor your parents; 10 Do not be jealous of others. (Odd number I)
II 2 No image worship; 8 Do not steal. (Even numbers II)
III 3 May the name of GOD, do not use without good reason; 6 May one kill?;
II 2 No image worship; 8 Do not steal. (Even numbers II)
III 3 May the name of GOD, do not use without good reason; 6 May one kill?;
9 May
one lie?
(Odd numbers III)
IV 4 Keep the Sabbath as a Holy day; 7 Do not commit adultery. (Even numbers IV)
Odd number is Three Commandments and even number Two Commandments.
IV 4 Keep the Sabbath as a Holy day; 7 Do not commit adultery. (Even numbers IV)
Odd number is Three Commandments and even number Two Commandments.
Genesis 1;
Creation of the 1th
day: 3 And GOD said, “Let there be Light,” and there was
Creation of the 5th
day: 21 So GOD created the great Creatures of the Sea and every living
thing with which the waters teem and that moves about in it, according to their
kinds, and every Winged
according to its kind. And GOD saw
that it was good.
First Symbol of the Bible is the Cross of Jesus; 1 & 4
& 7
Creation of the 2nd
day: 7 So GOD made the Vault and separated the
water under the vault from the waters above it. And it was so.
The Second Symbol of the LORD JESUS are the Ten Commandments 2 & 5 & 8
Creation of the 3rd
day: 9 And GOD said, “Let the water under the sky
be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear.” And it was so. 10 GOD called the dry ground “Land,” and the gathered waters HE called “Seas.” And GOD saw that it was good. 11 Then GOD said, “Let the land produce "Vegetation": seed-bearing
plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to
their various kinds.” And it was so.
Creation of the 6th
day: 24 "Let the land
produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that
move along the ground, and "Wild Animals", each according to
its kind." 27 So GOD created "Mankind" in HIS Own Image, in the Image of GOD HE created them; male and female HE created them.
The Third Symbol is Creation and The End of the World: 6 & 9
Creation of the 4th day: 16 GOD made Two Great Lights—the "Greater Light" to govern the Day and the "Lesser Light" to govern the Night.
He also made the "Stars". 17 GOD set them in the vault of the sky to give Light on the Earth, (Symbol of Trinity)
No Creation on the 7th
day: 2 By the "Seventh Day" GOD had finished the work HE had been doing; so on the "Seventh Day" HE rested from all
His work. 3 Then GOD blessed
the "Seventh
and made it Holy, because on it HE rested from all the work of creating that HE
had done. Genesis 2.
The Fourth Symbol, the Holy City New Jerusalem and Eternal Life 3
& 8
4 + 7 + 2 + 5 + 6
+ 9 + 3 + 8 = 44 = 8
2 7 + 6 2
8 “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord GOD(JESUS),
“who IS, and who WAS, and
7 “Look,
HE is coming with the Clouds,”
and “every eye will see HIM,
even those who pierced HIM”;
and all peoples on earth “will mourn because of HIM.”
So shall it be! Amen. Revelation 1.
and “every eye will see HIM,
even those who pierced HIM”;
and all peoples on earth “will mourn because of HIM.”
So shall it be! Amen. Revelation 1.
8 + 7 + Rev(4) + 1 = 20 = 2 is the symbol of JESUS!
The ONE is the symbol of GOD
the Father; The 3 is the symbol of Holy Spirit.
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