woensdag 22 november 2017

Nov.22, 2017

Daniel 7: 7 (4) Fourth Beast_Dreadful & Terrible & Strong Exceedingly & it had Great Iron Teeth & it Devoured & Brake in Pieces & Stamped the Residue with the Feet of it & it was Diverse from all the Beast that Were before it & it had 10 HORNS. (Although the EU keeps growing there have never been more than 10 full and permanent members; Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, England, Portugal and Spain. They’re called the WEU and wield all the power of the organization. All the rest are associate members. In view of the anti-Christ’s world domination it seems more likely that the EU will just be one of the regional governments that will soon span the globe. The current controversy over the supposed formation of a North American Union, consisting of the US, Canada, and Mexico would be another such regional affiliation. Similar movements are also said to be underway in South America, the Far East, Africa, and Moslem countries of the Middle East. So at least 6 of these regions may have been identified. If this is the case, then a total of 10 regional governments will formed to fulfill the 10 horns prophecy of Daniel 7:7.)

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