zaterdag 13 oktober 2018

Sunday Nov. 14, 2018

SR.2.p.14.1 bij Prophet V.T.Houteff; “The Antidiluvians Sinned against the HOLY Ghost because they BELIEVED NOT”the Message of TRUTH”(Rev.18:1 {Prophet V.T.Houteff of 7th Day Adventist}) sent to SAVEthem from the “DREADFULL FLOOD. Therefore they PERISHED under the SINthat shall NEVER BE FORGIVENthem. The same is True when one revolts against the DIVINE MESSAGE in any generation. Men are not Comdemned because they have Sinned, but they are Comdemned when they “TURN A DEAF EAR TO THE DIVINE CALL” that is to SAVEthem from their SIN. Eze.9 !

Early Writings P.277 bij Prophet E.G.White

The Loud Cry: I saw Angels hurrying to and from in Heaven, Descending to the Aarth, and again Ascending to Heaven, Preparing for the Fulfillment of some important event. Then I saw Another Mighty Angel Commissioned to descend to the Earth, to unite his voice with the Third(3th) Angel, and give Power and force to his(Prophet V.T.Houteff) Message(the 4th Angel). Great Power and Glory were imparted to the Angel, and as he Descended, the Earth was Lightened with his Glory. The Light which attended this Angel penetrated everywhere, as he Cried Mightily, with a Strong Voice, "Babylon the Great is Fallen, is Fallen, and is become the Habitation of Devils, and the Hold of every foul Spirit, and a Cage of every Unclean and Hateful Bird." The Message of the Fall of Babylon, as given by the Second(2) Angel, is repeated, with the Additional Mention of the Corruptions which have been entering the Churches since 1844. The Work of this Angel Comes in at the Right time to join in the Last Great Work of the Third(3th) Angel's Message as it swells to a Loud Cry. And the people of GOD are thus Prepared to Stand in the Hour of Temptation, which they are Soon to Meet. I saw a Great Light resting upon them, and they United to Fearlessly Proclaim the Third(3rd) Angel's Message. Angels were sent to Aid the Mighty Angel from Heaven, and I heard voices which seemed to sound everywhere, "Come out of her(Babylon Sunday Church of Lucifer), My people, that ye be not Partakers of her Sins, and that ye receive not of her Plagues. For her Sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities." This message seemed to be an Addition to the Third(3rd) Message(bij Prophet E.G.White), Joining it as the Midnight Cry Joined the Second(2nd) Angel's Message in 1844(bij William Miller). The Glory of GOD rested upon the Patient, waiting Saints, and they Fearlessly gave the last Solemn Warning, Proclaiming the Fall of Babylon and calling upon GOD's people to come out of her that they Might Escape her Fearful Doom.

Rev.18:1 And after these things I saw Another Angel come down from Heaven, having Great Power; and the Earth was Lightened with his Glory.

Revelation 7:1 And after these things I saw Four(4) Angels standing on the Four(4) Corners of the Earth, holding the Four(4) Winds of the Earth, that the wind should not blow on the Earth, nor on the Sea, nor on any Tree.  
Revelation 9:15 And the Four(4) Angels were loosed, which were Prepared(for Waar 3) for an hour(1 yr), and a day(2 yrs), and a Month, and a Year(1/2 yr); (3rd for 3 ½ yrs), for to slay the third(1/3) part of men.

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