maandag 30 januari 2017

(Thuesday January 31, 2017)
Structure of the Sanctuary in the Book of Daniel
                      Babylon    Medo-Persia      Greece            Pagan Rome            Papacy          Time of                Return
                                                                                                                                                                   the End                 of Christ
Daniel        Head of      Arms and           Belly and   Legs of     Feet of        Toes of         Stone cut              stone hits
     2         Gold            Breast of            Thighs of    Iron Feet Iron and     Iron and     out                           Image
                                           Silver                   Brass                                 clay             clay
Daniel       Lion              Bear                    Leopard     Dreadful Beast            Litle             Jugment in           Power
    7                                                                                                Horn            Heaven                 taken from
                                                                                                                                                                                                   litle Horn
Daniel                                                                                                                                                   Cleansing of        Destruction
8-9                              {--------------- 2300 Years --------------}     the Sanctuary     of all Earthly
                                                    Ram            Goat                 Great Roman Horn                                                      Nations
Daniel                          History of            Wars                  Pagan Rome           Papal         Atheism                End of Rome
10-11                 Persia                   Between                                               Rome         against
                                                                        Syria and                                                                   Papacy -
                                                                        Egypt                                                                           Rome wins

Structure of the Sanctuary in the Book of Revelation
                       Vision of the       Begining of      Interruption      End of Prophetic
                       Santuary        Line                    (Vision in between)       Line
Chur-   Jesus between    6 Churches       Condition of        7. Sealed Church
ches      the Seven                                           Advent                        (Phiadelphia
               Candlestiks                                       Movement                   Condition)
               Rev. 1:9-20                        Rev. 2, 3:13                  Rev. 3:14-20                            Rev. 3:7-13
Seals    The Holy              6 Seals                Last Fruit of        7. Seal
                    Rev. 4 & 5                          Rev. 6                              Rev. 7                                         Rev. 8:1
Trum   The Altar of        6 Trumpets       Birth of the         7. Seal
pets       Incense                                               Advent
                     Rev. 8:2-5                         Rev. 8:6, 9:21                 Rev. 10-11:14                       Rev.11:15-18
Beats    The Most            2 Beast with      Message of the      3. Beast with 7
                Holy                     7 Heads and      Advent                           Heads and
                                               10 Horns            Movement                   10 Horns
               Rev.11:19                  Rev.12, 13:18                Rev.14-16:21                                Rev.17-22:21


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