S25; The Shepherd’s
Rod, Volume 1
The 144,000 of Revelation 7 — Call For
By V.T. Houteff; February 13, 2018 on Tuesday;
Types And Anti-Types
By V.T. Houteff; February 13, 2018 on Tuesday;
Types And Anti-Types
The Spirit of Prophecy says Elijah represents
those who will be living when Christ comes, and be Changed in the
twinkling of an eye, and be translated. Desire of Ages, page 421: “Elijah, who had been translated to heaven without seeing death,
represented those(144.000) who will be living upon the earth at CHRIST Second Coming, and Who will be ‘changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump.” {SR1: 43.5}
Reference is made of Enoch in Patriarchs and
Prophets, pages 88, 89: “The godly character of this prophet represents the state of
holiness which must be attained by those(144.000) who shall be ‘redeemed
from the earth’ at the time of CHRIST’s Second Advent….But like Enoch,
GOD’s people will seek for purity of heart, and conformity to HIS will, until
they shall reflect the likeness of CHRIST. Like Enoch They(144.000) will warn the world of the LORD’s Second Coming,
and of the Judgments to be visited upon transgression, and by Their Holy
conversation and example they will condemn the sins of the ungodly. As Enoch
was translated to heaven before the destruction of the world by water so the
Living Righteous will be translated from the Earth before its Destruction by Fire.”
{SR1: 43.6}
Elijah represents those who shall be translated at the Second Coming of CHRIST
Enoch does, too.
Both men were translated without
seeing death. The question is, Why two types? Because
there are two companies of
people to be translated; the 144,000, and the great multitude of Rev. 7:9. The 144,000, are Israelites; the
great multitude are not. Enoch
is not an Israelite, therefore he can not represent Israel, the 144,000. (The
name “Israel” did not come into existence until the time of Jacob, which was
many centuries after Enoch was translated. A clearer explanation on the subject
will be given in another section.) We shall determine which class Enoch
represents by the uniform he wears. Early Writings, page 40, says: “There I saw
good old Enoch, who had been translated. On his right arm he bore a glorious
palm, and on each leaf was written ‘Victory’.” Here we see Enoch, too, has the
“palm” in his hand, the same as the great multitude, class number 2. {SR1:
is said to be the seventh from Adam. “Seven” means complete, finished; thus
perfectly typifying the class represented by him in Rev. 7:9 (the great
multitude). We
shall endeavor to bring another proof that the great multitude with the “palms in their hands” are translated
with the 144,000. In Great Controversy, page 665 we read
about classes 2,
3, and 4. The
part referring to class 4, reads as follows: “Nearest the throne are those who
were once zealous in the cause of Satan, but who plucked as brands from the
burning, have followed their Saviour with deep, intense devotion. Next are
those who perfected Christian characters in the Midst of Falsehood and Infidelity, those who honored the law of GOD when the Christian
world declared it void.” Here is included every possible sin to a sinner in all
ages (who have taken their stand for God). {SR1: 44.1}
But of class 2 (the great multitude), there is no reference given as to what
kind of sinners they are. Class 1 (the 144,000), are called Israel, a special
company with a special experience. {SR1: 44.2}
After including every possible sin to a
sinner in Class 4 (those
who shall be resurrected), and
the Martyrs in
class 3,
Inspiration says, “And beyond is the ‘great multitude’….with white
robes, and palms in their hands.” Therefore, this company could not be classed
with the other two, or with the 144,000. If Class 2 (the great multitude), were
the saved and resurrected from all ages, then all of the saved must have palms in
their hands, but as it is plain that not all have the palms, then these are not
all the saved in all ages, but are the translated ones only, besides the
144,000. The palm
is a symbol of victory over death and the grave; that is, they never died(144.000). {SR1:
speaking of the same company, we read in Rev. 7:14, last part: “And he said
unto me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed
their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb’.” Thus this company
went through the tribulation of Daniel 12, which is in the time of the seven
last plagues. Rev. 7:16, last part: “neither shall the sun light on them, nor any
heat.” They go through the Fourth Plague, so it is clear that this company lives in the
time of the end, at the second advent of Christ,–to be translated. {SR1: 45.1} (Grade 1 is 144,000 (Elijah),
class 2 is the living crowd (Henoch), class 3 is the one who was killed for CHRIST,
Class 4 is the Resurrected People;) Thanks my LORD JESUS
& Thanks E.G.White the 3rd massage of 3rd Angel
Rev.14:9 & V.T.Houteff the 4th massage of 4th Angel
Rev.18:1 !
Symbol 147; 258; 369; 138; 1+8+3+1=13=1+3= 4; 47+38=85=8+5=13=1+3= 4; 25+69=94=9+4=13=1+3=
4; 444=12=3
the SON & GOD the HOLY
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