maandag 19 februari 2018

S29; The Shepherd’s Rod, Volume 1

The 144,000 of Revelation 7 — Call For Reformation
By V.T. Houteff;
February 17, 2018 on SABBATH;

Type Of The Second Death

It has been a perplexing question whether the wicked ones who arise in the special resurrection of Dan. 12:2, continue to live, or die with the living wicked at the second coming of CHRIST, and be resurrected at the End of the 1,000 years. As GOD leaves nothing undone, He has foretold everything in prophecy, and types as well. If we have a type for every other event, we must have a type of this. The wicked ones who are resurrected, must die with the rest of the wicked at the coming of CHRIST in the clouds to typify the second death at the End of the millennium. {SR1: 48.3}

Now the question is, Will they arise again in the second resurrection with the wicked? In answer to this question, Early Writings, page 292 says: At the first resurrection all come forth in immortal bloom; but at the second the marks of the curse are visible on all. The kings and noblemen of the earth the mean and low, the learned and unlearned, come forth together. All behold the SON of man; and those very men who despised and mocked HIM, who put the crown of thorns upon HIS sacred brow, and smote HIM with the reed, behold HIM in all HIS Kingly Majesty. Those who spit upon HIM in the hour of HIS trial now turn from HIS Piercing gaze and from the Glory of HIS Countenance. Those who drove the nails through HIS Hands and Feet now look upon the marks of HIS Crucifixion. Those who thrust the spear into HIS Side behold the marks of their cruelty on HIS Body.” By this we understand that these very men are there again in the second resurrection. Therefore they were resurrected the second time at the End of the 1,000 years, to die in the second death, which they themselves typified, (by dying the second death with the living wicked at the second coming of CHRIST in the clouds). Thus we have a prophecy and a type for every event that has, or will take place in this wicked world of ours. {SR1: 48.4}

A Thought Of Perfection:

1. The resurrection of Moses.

2. The resurrection at the time when Jesus arose.

3. The special resurrection of Daniel 12:2.

4. The first resurrection of Rev. 20:6.

5. The translation of Enoch.

6. The translation of Elijah.

7. The general translation at the coming of CHRIST.

Thus, we again have the number “Seven”, the sign of perfection, all, or finished. The four resurrections and three translations comprise all the saints resurrected and translated, all of which make a total of Seven, or the End. {SR1: 49.1} Thanks my LORD JESUS & Thanks E.G.White the 3rd massage of 3rd Angel Rev.14:9 & V.T.Houteff the 4th massage of 4th Angel Rev.18:1 !

Symbol 147; 258; 369; 138; 1+8+3+1=13=1+3= 4; 47+38=85=8+5=13=1+3= 4; 25+69=94=9+4=13=1+3= 4; 444=12=3 is GOD the FATHER & GOD the SON & GOD the HOLY SPIRIT;

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