woensdag 11 juli 2018

S93; April 22, 2018 on Sunday;

Meat With Weight & Water By Measuring

Ezek. 4:10, 11–“And thy meat which thou shalt Eat shall be by Weight….Thou shalt Drink also Water by Measure.” The MEASURE and WEIGHTare symbols signifying that GOD would only give “TRUTH” by Measure, a Little at a Time As the prophecy reads, From Time to Time you will Eat and Drink”, and so has GOD given “LIGHT a little at a time as we could grasp it. It has come in its exact Biblical order: Faith, Spirit, Grace, Baptism, End Time, and Sabbath (Rest). {SR1: 123.1}

Abraham, the father of the Faithful, is the Symbol of Faith; Isaac, the Symbol of Spirit of Truth (as the Bible says he was born after the Spirit); Jacob the symbol of Grace, (for as he was a Sinful Man, had it not been for the Grace of GOD, he could not have Prevailed.) The Exodus Movement is the Symbol for Baptism, for we read in 1 Cor. 10:2, And were all Baptized unto Moses in the Cloud and in the Sea;.” The Wilderness Life is the Symbol of the Sanctuary question at the End of the 2300 days; it was in the Wilderness that the Heavenly Sanctuary was described by the Earthly. “The Promised Land is a Symbol of the SABBATH REST”. In the Promised Land they were to Rest had they driven out the heathen but because of national pride and disbelief, they failed to obtain the Promised Rest. The disobedience of Israel in the Promised Land is a symbol of our failing to obey GOD at the Present Time. {SR1: 123,2}

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