woensdag 11 juli 2018

S96; April 25, 2018 on Wednesday;

“7” is the Perfect, Biblical Number

In this Prophecy we find there are only 6 portions, and only 6 steps have been made. Luther, Knox, Wesley, Campbell, Miller and White. The number “6” is Not a Perfect Number. It is evident then, that there is Still Another Portion to Follow, and a Step to Climb. “7” is the Perfect, Biblical Number. The question is, Why was not the 7 Portion included in this prophecy? Because the 6 were Polluted; defiled with man’s preparation, man’s thoughts, and plans have been injected and followed, which, in GOD’s sight are as Dung it is not to be so with the 7”, for it is the Last(The Message of Prophet Houteff); it Must be “PURE”. This Last Portion, Pure and Undefiled, is Represented by the Angel of Rev. 18:1 (The Message of Prophet Houteff), “And after these things I saw another Angel come down from heaven, having Great Power; and the Earth was Lightened with his Glory (The last Prophet after the Prophet E.White is the Prophet V. Houteff).” It is at this time that Isaiah’s prophecy will be Fulfilled. Isa. 52:1, 2: Awake, awake: put on thy strength, O Zion; put on thy Beautiful Garments, O Jerusalem, the Holy City: For Henceforth there shall No More Come into thee the Uncircumcised and the Unclean. Shake thyself from the Dust; Arise, and Sit Down, O Jerusalem: Loose thyself from the Bands of thy Neck, O captive daughter of Zion [GOD’s Pure Church(DSDA)].” {SR1: 126.2}

Note the last part of the first verse: “For henceforth there shall No More Come into thee the Uncircumcised and the Unclean.” There has always been in the Church the uncircumcised, the unclean, and unconverted, in all her history, but here the prophet declares there shall be No More”. Let us give Thanks to our GOD for this Precious Promise, and for the Revelation of HIS Word. Zephaniah also declares, The remnant of Israel(DSDA) shall Not Do Iniquity, Nor Speak Lies, neither shall a Deceitful Tongue be Found in Their Mouth: For they shall Feed and Lie Down and None Shall Make Them Afraid.” In Prophets and Kings, page 725, we read: “Clad in the armor of CHRIST’s Righteousness, the Church(DSDA) is to enter upon her Final Conflict. ‘Fair as the Moon, Clear as the Sun, and Terrible as an Army with Banners’, She(DSDA) is to go forth into all the World, Conquering and to Conquer.” {SR1: 126.3}

It could be explained that this brings us to the opening of the 7th Seal of Rev. 8:1. The Church on the 7th Step, under the 7th Seal, and in the 7th Trumpet. By this we know we are on the borders of Eternity. Would the lips of any of us utter the words, “The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved?” But how shall we attain this perfection? It will not be easy. Unless we make an effort we shall never reach the mark, for the enemy is not leaving one string loose. He(Lucifer & his Angels) has Interfered all the Way, in every Step, and every Part of the Truth, and his plans are stronger now than ever before. Nevertheless, prophecy has declared that the 144,000 have not bowed a knee to Baal, and in their mouth was found No Guile: For they are Without Fault before the throne of GOD(Study & Trust & Perform all the latest messages through E. White & V. Hoteff).” At the present time the denomination employs about 10,000 evangelical workers, but what will it be when 144,000 without guile, spot or wrinkle, or any such thing, filled with the Spirit of GOD, compass the globe? Such is the beginning of the 7th step. No wonder the prophet declared, the uncircumcised and the unclean shall no more come into thee(DSDA)”. “And I shall make her a strong nation.” Micah 4:7. {SR1: 127.1}

While the prophecy of the 430 years finds its beginning with the Reformation by Luther, and others, the lesson is for this time, and the people at this age. Never before has this prophecy been understood, and until now no one ever received much from it, but when the time is fulfilled, God makes it known. Thus has He led His people on and on. The verses not commented on will be considered now. {SR1: 127.2}

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