S77; The Shepherd’s Rod, Volume 1
The 144,000 of Revelation 7 — Call For
By Prophet V.T. Houteff & Prophet E.G. White & Old Testament & New Testament; April 6, 2018 on Friday;
By Prophet V.T. Houteff & Prophet E.G. White & Old Testament & New Testament; April 6, 2018 on Friday;
What Constitutes The Remnant?
definition of “Remnant” is: That which is left after the Separation, Removal, or Destruction of a part. (Standard Dictionary). The beginning of the Church
of CHRIST in the days of the Apostles was not a large “Bolt” just starting to
unroll, getting smaller and smaller down through the ages, and now, being at
the End of the History of the Church be the Smallest
Portion(DSDA), or that which is Left. But, on the contrary, the Church
just began then to roll on, and had but a Very Small Beginning. It has been rolling and
rolling, and putting on all through the ages, and the very end of the History of the Church is by no means a Remnant. “Remnant” signifies a Very Small Portion, a fragment, or a small bit. The Master said the harvest is at the end of
the world; the angels are the reapers. Then there is reaping to be done. “Harvest” means a Collection of Crops; to Gather, Store up, or Garner in. According to this the Harvest is by no means a Remnant,
but just the opposite, for at Harvest we Gather in the Most. {SR1: 102.1}
The Remnant of Israel(DSDA) must be
something else than what we have thought it to be for “Remnant” is a Small Portion,
or part which is Left
after a Destruction.
The Destruction
is the Mighty Shaking,
sifting time which is the Separation of the Two Classes in the Church (the sealing of the 144,000
as Prophesied
in Ezekiel 9(SDA),
and Isaiah 63. Those who escape are the “Remnant.” The
Bible gives no other definition of “Remnant”
than the One
given here. See Leviticus. 5:13; 2 Kings 19:4; Isaiah 37:4; Ezra 9:8; Isaiah
1:9; Isaiah 11:11; Isaiah 16:14; Jeremiah 44:28; Ezekiel 6:8; Joel 2:32; Roms.
11:5; Revelation 11:13.
{SR1: 102.2}
In the Eleventh chapter
of Isaiah, is recorded the same incident we have tried to explain here. In the Eleventh
verse we read of the Remnant
which we
speak of(144.000 DSDA):
“And it shall come to pass in that day, that the LORD shall set HIS Hand again
the Second Time to recover the Remnant of HIS people, which shall be left.” Isaiah
11:11. Early
Writings, page 270: “I asked the meaning of the shaking I had seen, and was
shown that it would be caused by the straight testimony called forth by the
counsel of the True
to the Laodiceans(SDA now). This will
have its effect upon the heart of the receiver and will lead him to exalt the
standard and pour forth the straight Truth. Some will not bear this straight
testimony. They(SDA
now) will rise up against it(DSDA), and this is what will cause a shaking among
GOD’s people(In the Adventist Church).” {SR1: 103.1}
Isaaiah 11:12, first part: “And he shall
set up an ensign for the nations.” Again we read in Isa. 66:19, “And I will set a sign among them(144.000), and I will send those that
escape of them unto the Nations (The Christians who came out of
Babylon were innumerable).”
The 63rd
chapter has the same reference as Isaiah 59,
part of verse 19, is here
quoted: “So shall they fear the name of the LORD from the west and HIS Glory
from the Rising of the Sun.” The “Sign” is extensive from the east to the west,
and has a meaning for the entire world. The “Destruction”(SDA) is
the “Sign” and example to the nations, and the “Remnant” are
those who are left (the
144,000 DSDA). Following this we have the “Loud Cry”
(the Harvest): “Those who come up to every point, and stand every test, and
overcome, be the price what it may have heeded the counsel of the True Witness(JESUS), and
they will receive the Latter
and thus be fitted for Translation.” Volume
1, page 187. “But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up
also the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the Harvest: And in the time of Harvest I
will say to the Reapers, Gather ye together first the tares and bind them in
bundles to burn them: But gather the wheat into MY barn.” Matt.
13:29, 30. {SR1: 103.2}
The same thought is also supported in
Patriarchs and Prophets, page 541: “The
feast of Tabernacles was not only Commemorative,
but Typical. It not
only pointed back to the wilderness sojourn, but, as the feast of Harvest, it
celebrated the ingathering of the fruits of the Earth, and pointed forward to the great day of
final Ingathering, when the LORD
of the Harvest
shall send forth HIS
Reapers to gather
the tares together in bundles for the Fire, and to gather the Wheat into HIS Garner. At that
time the wicked will all be destroyed.” (Those outside the church.) {SR1:
Note that the Separation takes
place just at the Beginning of Harvest(In the Adventist Church between SDA
& DSDA before World War 3 between U.S.A. Europe & Russia Arab Asia.
Rev.7:1-3); also that the tares are
gathered in First. The separation Marks the beginning of Harvest. The Harvest is the loud cry of the Third Angel’s Message(E.G. White &
V.T. Houteff). (Rev. 18:1). In this time of Harvest the Great Multitude (of Rev. 7:9) with the Palms in
their hands is gathered(After the 3rd
waar). While this great multitude is
being made up and gathered into His Barn, the reapers are binding the wicked in
bundles (separated(DSDA), or kept apart from the Church(SDA) for the wrath of GOD. See Rev. 14:19. {SR1:
104.1} Thanks my LORD JESUS & Thanks Prophet E.G.White
the 3rd massage of 3rd Angel Rev.14:9 & Prophet V.T.Houteff
the 4th massage of 4th Angel Rev.18:1 !
Symbol 147; 258; 369; 138; 1+8+3+1=13=1+3= 4; 47+38=85=8+5=13=1+3= 4; 25+69=94=9+4=13=1+3=
4; 444=12=3
the SON & GOD the HOLY
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