zaterdag 26 mei 2018

S87; April 16, 2018 on Monday;

Millet, Symbol Of 2300 Days (Shepherd Rod, Vol. 1 120)

The 5th portion of Truth is represented by Millet, and the 5th Reformer was William Miller. He taught the Prophecy of Daniel 8:14, which was the Doctrine of the 2300 days. Millet is scarcely known, and those who do know what it is say it is of little worth, merely a wild grass with scarcely any farming value, and not desired by anybody. Nevertheless it is a good Cereal. Just so with the Doctrine taught by Miller. No one has any use for it and Seventh-day Adventists are practically the only people who teach it. Those who do not accept this Doctrine say it is good for nothing, and charge Miller as being a False Prophet. Though it is a wonderful prophecy and reveals a great Truth, yet people will not accept it. “It is good for nothing, with no spiritual value, and we have no need of it”, is the Cry”. Again the question is asked, Could a better Symbol than Millet be found to represent the Doctrine of the 2300 days? {SR1: 119.2}

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