zaterdag 26 mei 2018

S81; The Shepherd’s Rod Only For SDA & DSDA, Volume 1

The 144,000 of Revelation 7 — Call For Reformation
By Prophet V.T. Houteff & Prophet E.G. White & Old Testament & New Testament;
April 10, 2018 on Tuesday;

The 430(Number 7 Perfecht) Years Of Sojourning And Affliction

The 430 year period of sojourning and affliction with Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, which dates with Abraham going out of Ur, coincides with our time from the Reformation by Luther, to the Sealing of Israel by the Promise (the 144,000 DSDA). Quoting Patriarchs and Prophets, page 760: “The actual time spent in Egypt could have been only about 215 years. The Bible says that ‘the sojourning of the children of Israel’ was 430 years. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the Ancestors of the Israelites were sojourners in Canaan. The period of 430 years dates from the promise given to Abraham when he was commanded to leave Ur of the Chaldees. The 400 years of Gen. 15:13 dates from a later period. Notice that the period of 400 years is not only a time of Sojourning, but of Affliction. This, according to the Scriptures, must be reckoned from thirty years later, about the time when Ishmael, he that was born after the flesh, persecuted him [Isaac] that was born after the Spirit.Gal. 4:29.” {SR1: 108.2}

Paul, in Gal. 3:15-17, says that from the making of the Covenant with Abraham to the giving of the Law at Sinai was 430 years. From these Scriptures then, we are not to understand that the Israelites were in Egypt 400 years. See Ex. 12:40. According to this the 430 years began with Abraham going out of Ur, and ended with Mount Sinai. Consequently we have to take the Entire Period into Consideration, Beginning with Abraham, which has a Definite Time of certain Existing Conditions. At the Beginning of the 430 years, Idolatry Prevailed Everywhere: Abraham alone was called out. Such is the Spiritual Condition that Marked the Beginning of the Prophetic Period in its “TYPE”. Just so the beginning of the time of the Duplicate orANTITYPEmust be Marked with a Time of Low Spiritual Condition. In the time of Martin Luther we have the exact reproduction of Abraham’s experience, for in Luther’s time Spiritual Darkness and Idolatry prevailed Everywhere. Abraham is a Fitting Figure of Luther. {SR1: 108.3}

Abraham was called of GOD by the spoken Word, Luther by the Written. Abraham is the Father of Faith; so is Luther. The Doctrine taught by Luther was The Just Shall Live by Faith.” If this is True, then the 430 years in our time began with Luther. About 1500 A.D. Luther discovered in the library of the University of Urfurt, a Latin Bible, and found to his no small delight that it contained more than the excerpts in common use. Thus GOD by HIS Word, Called Luther out of Papal Rome. {SR1: 109.1}

We have First, a Period of 400 years(400+30=430) and then it was extended to 430 years. We therefore, have a 30 year period to deal with first. It has been stated that the 30 years(30+1500=1530) ended about the time Ishmael persecuted Isaac. According to this, about the year 1530 A.D., something must have been brought forth. What took place in 1530? The Augsburg Confession: A document Compiled by Luther which was presented by the Protestants at the Diet of Augsburg to the Emperor Charles V, and the Diet, and being signed by the Protestant states was Adopted as their creed, and who Protested against the Pope. This Coincides with Sarah Protesting against Agar and Ishmael when they departed from the house of Abraham, and the assurance of the covenant of Promise that was made with Isaac. As Sarah protested against Agar and Ishmael, so Protestants protested against Papal rule. This is just exactly what should have taken place in 1530 A.D. to fit the Occurrence of the Prophecy. {SR1: 109.2}

At the time Isaac was persecuted by Ishmael, he (Isaac) was 5 years old, and at the time Jacob was born, Isaac was 60(60-5=55); therefore, we add 55 years to 1530(55+1530=1585) which brings us to 1585 A.D. Explanation of this period will be given later. From the birth of Jacob to the time Israel went into Egypt was 130 years. Adding this number to 1585 gives us 1715 A.D. The explanation of this period also will be given later. From the time Israel went into Egypt to the birth of Moses was 135 years. Adding this to 1715(135+1715=1850) brings the total to 1850 A.D. This period is marked by the birth of Moses, which was a hope, a deliverer, for Israel. {SR1: 109.3}

What took place in 1850? The first testimony was written to the Church and addressed “To Those Who Are Receiving The Seal Of The Living GOD.” Signed, E. G. White. Thus the birth of Moses, the hope of Israel after the flesh, coincides with the birth of the first testimony for the church, the hope of Israel by the promise, the 144,000. Thus we see a perfect harmony in the Type with Antitype. See Origin and Progress of Seventh-day Adventists, page 749. {SR1: 110.1}

Moses at the age of 40 years attempted to deliver Israel, and failed. Adding 40 years to 1850+40=1890), we have 1890 A.D. What happened at this time? The following statement was made by Sister White in 1892: “If the people of GOD had gone to work as they should have gone to work right after the Minneapolis meeting in 1888, the world could have been warned in 2 years and the LORD would have Come.” General Conference Bulletin, 1892. (This reference was given us by a Seventh-day Adventist minister of Los Angeles, Calif.) About the same time (1890) National Religious Liberty was organized by the Denomination. Thus the attempt and failure of Moses’ experience to set freedom to Israel from Egyptian bondage coincides with organizing religious liberty, and GOD’s people failed to do their duty. “National Religious Liberty Association organized July 21, 1889 on Sunday.” Origin and Progress of S.D.A., page 752. {SR1: 110.2}

40 years later Moses was called and sent back to Egypt and did set Israel free from the Egyptian bondage. Adding 40 to 1890 brings the total to 1930. This period should be marked by a Reformation and Purification of the Church, Fulfilling Malachi 3, and Ezekiel 9. “And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall set HIS Hand again the Second time to recover the remnant of HIS people, which shall be left.” Isa. 11:11. {SR1: 110.3}

The 2 periods, 1585 and 1715, will now be explained. 1585 corresponds with the birth of Jacob, and 1715 corresponds with Israel going down into Egypt. The entering into Egypt with 70 souls typified the Birth of Seventh-day Adventists as explained on pages 73-74, but Seventh-day Adventism was not born until 1845. To get the truth of these two periods we must count back to the birth of Jacob, for it is a birth that we are dealing with. We have 130 years from the entrance into Egypt to the birth of Jacob, and 85 years from the birth of Jacob to Abrahams’ departure out of Ur. Therefore, we must go backwards and subtract the first 85 years period (from the going out of Ur to the birth of Jacob) from 1930(1930-85=1845) and we have 1845. Thus, we get the year of the Birth of Seventh-day Adventists. Miss Ellen Harmon then had her First Vision and it was about the 144,000 (Israel by the Promise), and the first paper published then on the Sabbath Truth was called The Hope of Israel.” See Origin and Progress of Seventh-day Adventists, page 749. {SR1: 111.1}

Now subtract the 130 year period (from the birth of Jacob to the entering into Egypt) from 1845(1845-130=1715) and we have 1715 A.D., the year which was marked by Israel going into Egypt. Thus, 1715, becomes the dividing line between Canaan and Egypt, just as Christ became the dividing line between B.C. and A.D. (is the same as the dividing line between 4 GOD's Law & GOD's 6 Law for man to man; 1715=1+7+1+5=14=1+4=5 Dividing Line Between Number 4 & Number 6) Note how it coincides on the chart. If these coincidents were divinely designed, then the beginning and ending of the prophecy as on the following chart, would be correct. {SR1: 111.2} Thanks my LORD JESUS & Thanks Prophet E.G.White the 3rd message of 3rd Angel Rev.14:9 & Prophet V.T.Houteff the 4th message of 4th Angel Rev.18:1 !

Symbol 147; 258; 369; 138; 1+8+3+1=13=1+3= 4; 47+38=85=8+5=13=1+3= 4; 25+69=94=9+4=13=1+3= 4; 444=12=3 is GOD the FATHER & GOD the SON & GOD the HOLY SPIRIT;

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