dinsdag 21 juli 2015

The Ten Commandment

                     I am the LORD thy GOD!


1 Thou shalt have no other gods        :        5 Honour thy father and thy mother;

                                                                                         10 Thou shalt not covet.

2 No graven images or likenesses     :        8 Thou shalt not steal.

3 Not take the LORD's name in vain:        6 Thou shalt not kill;                                  

                                                                                           9 Thou shalt not bear false witness

4 Remember the Sabbath day          :         7 Thou shalt not commit adultery   



Creation of the world and everything in it by 2 People Architects and Producer, most advanced. Namely by: God the Father and God the Son Jesus Christ!
First day: Before They do anything, can not be in the dark. Then God CREATE (1) "Light".
Day two
: Because everything is still water in all His creation, then He is building a "Horizon".
Day three: Then the water above and below, separated by a Creator. Dry-called "Mainland", and the water collected into the "Sea".  And the land is given every plant.
Day four: For so plants get food and can have dark and light. Then God gives "Sun" for light by day, then "moon" and "stars" in the sky to illuminate the night. And to count the "Days, Months and Years".
Fifth day: After everything is prepared for a life, then CREATED (2), the animals in the sea every "Fish" and every "Bird" of the air, by God the Father and God the Son Jesus Christ our Lord.
Sixth day: The last CREATED (3) is, the "Human" male and female and all "Beasts" that live on land.
On the
"Seventh" day of the last day: Lord stops of His creation, and hallowed day, as the eternal SABBATH forever en ever. Amen!



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