zondag 29 april 2018

S70; The Shepherd’s Rod, Volume 1

The 144,000 of Revelation 7 — Call For Reformation
By V.T. Houteff;
Mart 30, 2018 on Friday;

The Shepherd’s Rod

The Spirit of Prophecy says in Patriarchs and Prophets, page 251, that the rod of Moses was a symbol of God’s power. The shepherd’s rod: Power of God; the sheep: God’s people; the shepherd’s rod is an instrument which is used to catch sheep. The rod in this is an instrument which is used to catch people. What could it be? It can not be anything else but some wonderful, plain, clear-cutting Bible truth which could not be contradicted. When it is revealed, it will produce serpents (people), or converts, by reformation. But the Egyptians did the same also, for they cast down every man his rod, and they became serpents, and perhaps more in number, for every man cast his rod, but they were counterfeit. Symbols of hypocrisy (untrue Christians); but Moses’ rod swallowed the rods of the Egyptians. Symbol of victory for true Israel. The result is opposition, but true Israel wins at last. {SR1: 95.1}

In Volume 5, page 696 we read: “They did not really cause their rods to become serpents, but by magic, aided by the great deceiver, made them appear like serpents, to counterfeit the work of God.” Symbol of an outward appearance of Christianity by Seventh-day Adventists. But one may say, What? God’s people symbolized by a serpent? Why not by sheep? If the meek and lowly Christ was symbolized by the brazen serpent in the wilderness which Moses raised up for the children of Israel to look upon, and be healed from bites of the fiery serpents, then God’s people could be symbolized by a serpent as well. If the rod would have turned into a sheep it would have spoiled the symbol, for the 144,000 are not to be sheep in the sheep-fold and cared for by an earthly shepherd, but the opposite.

For this reason the serpent is used as a symbol, meaning wise; cannot be frightened (would not run away from anything: The opposite of sheep). They are to be filled with the Holy Spirit, proclaim the message and triumph with victory. “And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many people as a dew from the Lord, as the showers upon the grass, that tarrieth not for man, nor waiteth for the sons of men. And the remnant of Jacob shall be among the Gentiles in the midst of many people as a lion among the beasts of the forest, as a young lion among the flocks of sheep: Who, if he go through both treadeth down, and teareth in pieces, and none can deliver.” Micah 5:7, 8. {SR1: 95.2} Thanks my LORD JESUS & Thanks Prophet E.G.White the 3rd message of 3rd Angel Rev.14:9 & Prophet V.T.Houteff the 4th message of 4th Angel Rev.18:1 !

Symbol 147; 258; 369; 138; 1+8+3+1=13=1+3= 4; 47+38=85=8+5=13=1+3= 4; 25+69=94=9+4=13=1+3= 4; 444=12=3 is GOD the FATHER & GOD the SON & GOD the HOLY SPIRIT;

S69; The Shepherd’s Rod, Volume 1

The 144,000 of Revelation 7 — Call For Reformation
By V.T. Houteff;
Mart 29, 2018 on Thursday;

Application Of The Lesson

This last Moses is the unlearned Moses. Note, he is slow of speech, has no eloquence is of a slow tongue, and “uncircumcised lips” (untrained). He knows not how to approach Pharaoh. He shrinks with the thought of standing before the great monarch, like the mercury shrinks from the north wind, but though this Moses is handicapped, he has nerve; he is not a coward. He risks his life, for he was asked only once to take the fabulous serpent by the tail, and he did so. This Moses is not a crown prince, but a common shepherd only. The shepherd Moses is a type of men who are to bring about reformation and be used in the time of the Loud Cry”, brought to view in the following quotations. Quoting Life Sketches, page 245: “God is putting burdens upon more inexperienced shoulders. He is fitting them to be caretaking, to venture, to run risks also.” Volume 5, page 82: “He will raise up and exalt among us those who are taught rather by the unction of His Spirit, than by the outward training of scientific institutions.” {SR1: 94.1}

Testimonies to Ministers, page 300: “Unless those who can help in–are aroused to a sense of their duty, they will not recognize the work of God when the loud cry of the third angel shall be heard. When light goes forth to lighten the earth, instead of coming up to the help of the Lord, they will want to bind about His work to meet their narrow ideas. Let me tell you that the Lord will work in this last work in a manner very much out of the common order of things, and in a way that will be contrary to any human planning. There will be those among us who will always want to control the work of God, to dictate even what movements shall be made when the work goes forward under the direction of the angel who joins the third angel in the message to be given to the world. God will use ways and means by which it will be seen that He is taking the reins in His own hands. The workers will be surprised by the simple means that He will use to bring about and perfect His work of righteousness. Those who are accounted good workers will need to draw nigh to God, they will need the divine touch.” Also read Isaiah 3. “It is not men of great talents and titles that are needed so much as it is men who are great in faith, holiness, consecration, and love. Men who are great for God and great in simplicity, fidelity, and self-denial,–upon such transmitting God’s message, life, and blessings to humanity, and for advancing His kingdom in all the earth.” Review and Herald, Feb. 20, 1930. {SR1: 94.2} Thanks my LORD JESUS & Thanks Prophet E.G.White the 3rd message of 3rd Angel Rev.14:9 & Prophet V.T.Houteff the 4th message of 4th Angel Rev.18:1 !

Symbol 147; 258; 369; 138; 1+8+3+1=13=1+3= 4; 47+38=85=8+5=13=1+3= 4; 25+69=94=9+4=13=1+3= 4; 444=12=3 is GOD the FATHER & GOD the SON & GOD the HOLY SPIRIT;

S68; The Shepherd’s Rod, Volume 1

The 144,000 of Revelation 7 — Call For Reformation
By V.T. Houteff;
Mart 28, 2018 on Wednesday;

Moses In The Wilderness

“But Moses fled from the face of Pharaoh, and dwelt in the land of Midian…And the priest of Midian….gave Moses Zipporah his daughter to wife….Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian: And he led the flock to the backside of the desert, and came to the mountain of God…[Horeb],…and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed. And Moses said, I will now turn aside, and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt….God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, Here am I….And the Lord said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt,…And I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians,…Come now therefore, and I will send thee unto Pharaoh, that thou mayest bring forth my people the children of Israel out of Egypt. And Moses said unto God, Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh,…And Moses said unto the Lord, O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither heretofore, nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servant: But I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue. ‘I am of uncircumcised lips, and how shall Pharaoh hearken unto me?’ And the Lord said unto him, Who hath made man’s mouth? or who maketh the dumb, or deaf, or the seeing, or the blind? Have not I the Lord? Now therefore go, and I will be thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt say….And the Lord said unto him, What is that in thine hand? And he said, A rod. And he said, Cast it on the ground. And he cast it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses fled from before it. And the Lord said unto Moses, Put forth thine hand, and take it by the tail. And he put forth his hand, and caught it, and it became a rod in his hand….And he said, O my Lord, send, I pray thee, by the hand of him whom thou wilt send. And the anger of the Lord was kindled against Moses.” Read Ex. 2:15 to 4:13. {SR1: 93.1} Thanks my LORD JESUS & Thanks Prophet E.G.White the 3rd message of 3rd Angel Rev.14:9 & Prophet V.T.Houteff the 4th message of 4th Angel Rev.18:1 !

Symbol 147; 258; 369; 138; 1+8+3+1=13=1+3= 4; 47+38=85=8+5=13=1+3= 4; 25+69=94=9+4=13=1+3= 4; 444=12=3 is GOD the FATHER & GOD the SON & GOD the HOLY SPIRIT;

S67; The Shepherd’s Rod, Volume 1

The 144,000 of Revelation 7 — Call For Reformation
By V.T. Houteff;
Mart 27, 2018 on Tuesday;

The Application Of The Type

If Pharaoh is the king, the (leadership) who rules over the people, then the church is the “queen”, then the “princess” is the church school. Egypt is a symbol of the world and the Nile a symbol of the sins of the world. By the aid of the God-fearing mother, Moses (the type) was not cast into the river Nile. Just so with Modern Moses, who, by the help of his Christian mother is saved from the river Nile (the sin in the world), but when she can not keep him any longer, and must send him to the schools of the land where sin reigns, the church school (the “princess”) finds him. As Moses (the type) received his education by the aid of the princess, just so modern Moses receives his education by the aid of the church school. {SR1: 91.2}

We, like Moses, have thought that we are to deliver Israel by force of arms (the aid of men). Like Moses, we are too cowardly to accomplish anything. It has been said by a good minister of God, “This is wrong in the church, and that is not right, and should be corrected, but we can not do it.” Why? Because he is afraid he will lose his job. But what shall we do? Work for God and trust in Him, or work for Pharaoh and trust in the job? {SR1: 91.3}

Quoting Volume 5, pages 80-82: “But the days of purification of the church are hastening on apace. God will have a people pure and true. In the mighty sifting soon to take place, we shall be better able to measure the strength of Israel. The signs reveal that the time is near when the Lord will manifest that His fan is in His hand, and He will thoroughly purge His floor….Those who have trusted to intellect, genius, or talent will not then stand at the head of rank and file. They did not keep pace with the light. Those who have proved themselves unfaithful will not then be entrusted with the flock. In the last solemn work few great men will be engaged. They are self-sufficient, independent of God, and He cannot use them. The Lord has faithful servants, who in the shaking, testing time will be disclosed to view. There are precious ones now hidden who have not bowed the knee to Baal. They have not had the light which has been shining in a concentrated blaze upon you. But, it may be under a rough and uninviting exterior the pure brightness of a genuine Christian character will be revealed….In this time, the gold will be separated from the dross in the church….Many a star that we have admired for its brilliancy, will then go out in darkness….The most weak and hesitating in the church will be as David–willing to do and dare….Then will the church of Christ appear ‘fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners’….God will work a work in our day that but few anticipate. He will raise up and exalt among us those who are taught rather by the unction of His Spirit, than by the outward training of scientific institutions. These facilities are not to be despised or condemned; they are ordained of God, but they can furnish only the exterior qualifications. God will manifest that He is not dependent on learned, self-important mortals.” {SR1: 92.1} Thanks my LORD JESUS & Thanks Prophet E.G.White the 3rd message of 3rd Angel Rev.14:9 & Prophet V.T.Houteff the 4th message of 4th Angel Rev.18:1 !

Symbol 147; 258; 369; 138; 1+8+3+1=13=1+3= 4; 47+38=85=8+5=13=1+3= 4; 25+69=94=9+4=13=1+3= 4; 444=12=3 is GOD the FATHER & GOD the SON & GOD the HOLY SPIRIT;

S66; The Shepherd’s Rod, Volume 1

The 144,000 of Revelation 7 — Call For Reformation
By V.T. Houteff;
Mart 26, 2018 on Monday;

Moses’ Misconception

“And it came to pass in those days, when Moses was grown, that he went out unto his brethren,…and he spied an Egyptian smiting an Hebrew….he slew the Egyptian, and hid him in the sand. And when he went out the second day, behold, two men of the Hebrews strove together: And he said to him that did the wrong, Wherefore smitest thou thy fellow? And he said, Who made thee a prince and a judge over us? intendest thou to kill me, as thou killedst the Egyptian? And Moses feared…But Moses fled from the face of Pharaoh, and dwelt in the land of Midian.” Ex. 2:11-15. {SR1: 90.3}

Moses supposed he was to deliver the children of Israel by force or arms, therefore he rolled up his sleeves and went about his duty. Moses’ misconception of the method to be used in the deliverance of Israel was not the only thing wrong with the man. If that was the way he understood Israel was to obtain their freedom, he failed to carry out the plan. His trouble was not because of lack of education, or training as a general of armies, that he failed to carry out his project, but because he was too cowardly and feared Pharaoh. If this was not the cause of his failure, why then kill only one Egyptian, bury him in the sand, and after it was made known, run away and leave Israel to perish in slavery? If his intention, or understanding, was to lead Israel against the armies of Egypt, he should not have hidden the Egyptian in the sand, but left him upon the ground for an example, and then go after others. Failing to carry out his proposed scheme, Moses made a double mistake. {SR1: 90.4}

This ancient Moses is a symbol of modern Moses (present leadership). As Moses’ failure was not because of lack of training, but because of a misconceived idea of the method to be carried out, just so with the leadership now. As Moses failed to accomplish his own mistaken plan (what he supposed was wise judgment), just so the leadership have now failed on their part. The aim has been to finish the work in this generation which is practically past, and at the rate of speed the work is going now, it could not be finished in another 100 years. “We are in danger of trusting to methods, organization, and high-pressure service, which if taken alone, can, in the end, result only in confusion, dissatisfaction, and defeat.” Review and Herald, Feb. 20, 1930. {SR1: 91.1} Thanks my LORD JESUS & Thanks Prophet E.G.White the 3rd massage of 3rd Angel Rev.14:9 & Prophet V.T.Houteff the 4th message of 4th Angel Rev.18:1 !

Symbol 147; 258; 369; 138; 1+8+3+1=13=1+3= 4; 47+38=85=8+5=13=1+3= 4; 25+69=94=9+4=13=1+3= 4; 444=12=3 is GOD the FATHER & GOD the SON & GOD the HOLY SPIRIT;

S65; The Shepherd’s Rod, Volume 1

The 144,000 of Revelation 7 — Call For Reformation
By V.T. Houteff;
Mart 25, 2018 on Sunday;

Moses’ Choice

As Moses (the type) received the highest education the courts of Pharaoh could produce, after becoming of age he was compelled to choose one of two things: either the throne of Egypt, or to suffer affliction with the children of Israel. Just so, modern Moses (the anti-type) receives the highest education the denomination can produce (when of age) finished education, “professor.” {SR1: 90.1}

Modern Moses as well being compelled to choose one of two things: Either professor in the world (Egypt) with a large income, fame, and the pleasures of sin for a season or to work for the denomination with a small salary, and suffer affliction with the church (the children of Israel). As Moses (the type) chose the latter, just so Moses the antitype prefers to stay with the denomination, “Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt.” The statistics of the movement so we are told, show that 90% of the children who go to schools of the denomination remain true to the message. This proves the lesson taught here is correct. {SR1: 90.2} Thanks my LORD JESUS & Thanks Prophet E.G.White the 3rd message of 3rd Angel Rev.14:9 & Prophet V.T.Houteff the 4th message of 4th Angel Rev.18:1 !

Symbol 147; 258; 369; 138; 1+8+3+1=13=1+3= 4; 47+38=85=8+5=13=1+3= 4; 25+69=94=9+4=13=1+3= 4; 444=12=3 is GOD the FATHER & GOD the SON & GOD the HOLY SPIRIT;

S64; The Shepherd’s Rod, Volume 1

The 144,000 of Revelation 7 — Call For Reformation
By V.T. Houteff;
Mart 24, 2018 on SABBATH;

Moses Found By Princess

Quoting Ex. 2:2, 3: “And the woman conceived, and bare a son: And when she saw him that he was a goodly child, she hid him three months. And when she could not longer hide him, she took for him an ark of bulrushes, and daubed it with slime and with pitch and put the child therein; and she laid it in the flags by the river’s brink.” Providence lead the Egyptian princess to the river to wash herself, and after seeing the ark, she sent her maid to fetch it. She saw that the babe wept, and she had compassion on him The sister of the babe stepped to Pharaoh’s daughter, and said, “Shall I go and call to thee a nurse of the Hebrew women, that she may nurse the child for thee?” On the arrival of the child’s mother, Pharaoh’s daughter said, “Take this child away, and nurse it for me.” And the child grew, and she brought him unto Pharaoh’s daughter at the age of 12, and the princess named him “Moses”. The lesson here is, with all the Satanic schemes, it would be impossible to defeat the divine purpose. {SR1: 89.2} Thanks my LORD JESUS & Thanks Prophet E.G.White the 3rd message of 3rd Angel Rev.14:9 & Prophet V.T.Houteff the 4th message of 4th Angel Rev.18:1 !

Symbol 147; 258; 369; 138; 1+8+3+1=13=1+3= 4; 47+38=85=8+5=13=1+3= 4; 25+69=94=9+4=13=1+3= 4; 444=12=3 is GOD the FATHER & GOD the SON & GOD the HOLY SPIRIT;

S63; The Shepherd’s Rod, Volume 1

The 144,000 of Revelation 7 — Call For Reformation
By V.T. Houteff;
Mart 23, 2018 on Friday;

Male Children Of Denomination; How Drowned

Has the devil drowned any of the male children in the river Nile at this time? Where are the men in this denomination? They must be in the river Nile, for it is a symbol of the sins in the world, and that is where we generally find the men; and the women in the church. The question may be asked, What sifted out the men? The Spirit of Prophecy teaches that we should see to it that employment is furnished to new comers in the truth, to make it possible for them to keep the Sabbath. Also to take care of the poor and sick among us. This instruction has been altogether disregarded, with the result that the men are sifted out of the church. Men love the truth as much as women do, but as soon as they hear the truth, they begin to inquire about things. Immediately the difficulty arises, and the question is asked, How can I keep the Sabbath, and yet hold my position? If I should let my position go, can I secure another? Would the church help me find something to do? Would the church render some assistance in case of great need, such as lack of food, clothing, or in case of sickness? All these questions are answered at once with, NO. The result is, the decision is made and the truth is turned down. {SR1: 88.1}

If the church had furnished some encouragement along these lines, this position would not have been taken by these newly interested parties, and the result would have been that the men as well as the women would have been in the church. Men being the wage earners, the increase of tithes and offerings, cannot be estimated, and the little expenditure in helps would be but a fragment in comparison. Employment agency would be a great field to the denomination. Not only employment would have been secured from people outside of the organization, but the work among Adventists would be secured by Adventists. Thus the men are “cast” into the world (“Nile”), but the women left (“alive”) in the church. {SR1: 89.1} Thanks my LORD JESUS & Thanks Prophet E.G.White the 3rd message of 3rd Angel Rev.14:9 & Prophet V.T.Houteff the 4th message of 4th Angel Rev.18:1 !

Symbol 147; 258; 369; 138; 1+8+3+1=13=1+3= 4; 47+38=85=8+5=13=1+3= 4; 25+69=94=9+4=13=1+3= 4; 444=12=3 is GOD the FATHER & GOD the SON & GOD the HOLY SPIRIT;