vrijdag 8 juli 2016

The 70 sabbatical cycles are 490 years. (70 x 7 = 490) In 457 BC Artaxerxes gave the command to restore and rebuild Jerusalem. Ezra 6:14, 7:1-28. After 7 sabbatical cycles and 62 sabbatical cycles Jesus, the Messiah, the Anointed One came. ((7+62) x7=483) The 483 years ended in 27AD when the Holy Spirit anointed Jesus at His baptism.
The 70th sabbatical cycle ran from the fall of 27 AD to the fall of 34 AD.

                                                                              490 years
                                                           483 years                                                   7 years
457 BC                                                                                                     27 AD          31 AD             34 AD
Command to                                                                                         Jesus            Jesus               Gospel to
restore Jerusalem                                                                              Baptized     Crucified       Gentiles
The first coming of Christ occurred at the exact time predicted in Daniel’s prophecy.

The 70 Jubilee cycles of 3,431 years (70 x 49 +1 = 3,431) began in 1416 BC when the children of Israel entered Canaan. (See: When did the children of Israel enter Canaan?). The 3,431 years will end in 2016 AD, and Jesus will come the second time.
People are given until the end of seventy times seven sabbatical cycles (70 x 7 x 7 +1 = 3,431 years) to receive forgiveness from God. His forgiveness and His Righteousness will be offered until the end of the seventy "sevens" (70 Jubilees) in 2016.

                                                                3,431 years
1416 BC                                                                                                                    2016 AD
Entering Canaan                                                                                                   Jesus comes again
The second coming of Jesus will occur at the exact time predicted in Daniel’s prophecy.  

Since Jesus died in 31 AD in the middle of the "seven" sabbatical cycle and "seven" Jubilee cycle, we can calculate exactly when each sabbatical cycle and each Jubilee cycle started and ended.

Dates of the 70 Jubilees
       th BC         th BC         th AD             th AD               th AD
1    1367          15  681     29   6             43 692             57  1378
2    1318          16  632     30   55           44 741      58  1427
3    1269          17  583     31  104         45  790            59  1476
4    1220          18  534     32  153         46  839            60  1525
5    1171          19  485     33  202         47  888            61 1574
6    1122          20  436     34  251         48  937            62 1623
7    1073          21  387     35  300  49  986            63 1672
8    1024          22  338     36  349         50 1035          64 1721
   975             23  289     37  398         51 1084          65 1770
10  926            24  240     38  447         52 1133          66 1819
11  877            25  191     39  496         53 1182  67 1868
12  828            26  142     40  545         54 1231          68 1917
13  779            27  93        41  594        55 1280           69 1966
14  730            28  44        42  643        56 1329          70 2015 / 71- 2016;
The last symbol 1 + 5 + 8 + 2 + 3 = 19 = 1 + 9 + 10 + 1 + 0 = 1.    1 & 3 & 8;
GOD the Father & Trinity & New Jerusalem Eternal Life. 

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