vrijdag 4 augustus 2017

8,Aug 2017 0n Sabbath
I write this book Medullaza 4, because the Medullaza  M3 book (Numerology ) still contains/has many shortcomings. So the book  M4 has more  depth to prove that the Bible and the World have their Creator GOD, that is a clear and written proof in science. At first  the World was not there yet. There are only 3 Persons  of GOD: GOD the FATHER,, GOD the SON and GOD the Holy Spirit who reign in Heaven. The first created beings are the Angels. Because GOD is Eternal, HE desires HIS children to live with HIM in all Eternity, for HE has enormous LOVE for them. The TRINITY created human beings in THEIR Image, after THEIR likeness. After the fall of man CHRIST came in the flesh as a human being, and given the name JESUS to save us from our sins. HE died for us on the CROSS, 3 days later on Sunday morning HE was Raised by GOD the FATHER.  And after 40 days HE went to Heaven and sitting on the right hand of GOD the FATHER to become our HIGH PRIEST. HE is interceding for us, who accepted HIS offer( HIS deatth on the CROSS)that we may receive Eternal life. The plan of Salvation  does not stop here, but it continues until GOD's  SON  JESUS returns to this world for the second time, to put an End to sin and to take HIS children from this World to live with Him for 1000 years in Heaven. After these 1000 years HE will come down with Them in the Holy City of New Jerusalem to live with HIM For Ever And Ever.

In the beginning GOD created the Heavens and the Earth by using Numbers and Collors. Than GOD began to build this World and its contents. They descended from Heaven to this Earth, and GOD said, "Let there be Light", because darkness reigned over the Earth. In the Beginning the First  Phase on the First Day on SUNDAY GOD Created (1) the Light. On the Second Day, Monday, GOD made the expanse and separated the Water under the expanse from the Water above it, and GOD called the expanse "SKY". Then HE proceeded with the Third day of Creation, so on the Third day on Tuesday, GOD let the waters under the Sky be gathered to One place, and the dry Ground appeared. GOD called the dry Ground "LAND" and the gathered waters He called "SEAS". Then GOD said, "Let the Land produce Vegetation: Seedbearing plants and Trees on the Land that bear Fruit with Seed in it, according to their various kinds. So there are: 1. Land, 2. vegetation  and 3. Oceans. GOD had already made plans to Count & Draw. GOD knew what was needed for the life  He was creating to exist. Then on the Fourth day on Wednesday, GOD Created the 3 Lights because He is Light, and set them in the expanse of the Sky to give LIGHT on the Earth, to govern the Day and the Night, and to seperate LIGHT from the Darkness.  1.The Sun, 2.The Moon and  3.The Stars. All plants get food from the Sun and at night the Moon reflects the Sun. Countless Stars always shine. So the First  Phase  (Gen.1:1) is from Sunday to Wednesday. (1 & 4 & 7)
Furthermore, GOD continues His plan in the Second Phase (Gen.1:21). So on the Fifth day on Thursday (2 & 5 & 8), GOD Created (1) the Fish in the Seas and (2) the Birds in the Air. In the Third Phase (Gen.1:27),  that is on the last Creation day, on the Sixth day 0n Friday, GOD Created the Land-Animals and Humans. GOD created men in HIS Image, after HIS Likeness. Then on the Seventh day on Saturday, GOD rested from His work of Creation. So He Blessed the Sabbath and sanctified it, as a special day to remember and honor HIM. Amen !!!


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