woensdag 28 februari 2018

S34; The Shepherd’s Rod, Volume 1

The 144,000 of Revelation 7 — Call For Reformation
By V.T. Houteff;
February 22, 2018 on Thursday;

Two Classes Of People

The Bible says the twins represent two classes of people(SDA). If this is true, then we have two classes of people in the Church(SDA). One class is represented by Esau, the other by Jacob. Referring to Testimonies to Ministers, page 46, we read: There are two opposing influences continually exerted on the members of the Church(SDA). One influence is working for the Purification of the Church, and the other for the Corrupting of the people of GOD.” One of the twins was red and hairy, and the other smooth and white. Both people are sinful. Why? Because Esau was red, which is scarlet, the sign of sin. Jacob was white, but the name betrays the man, for the name Jacob means Deceiver.” {SR1: 55.1} Thanks my LORD JESUS & Thanks Prophet E.G.White the 3rd massage of 3rd Angel Rev.14:9 & Prophet V.T.Houteff the 4th massage of 4th Angel Rev.18:1 !

Symbol 147; 258; 369; 138; 1+8+3+1=13=1+3= 4; 47+38=85=8+5=13=1+3= 4; 25+69=94=9+4=13=1+3= 4; 444=12=3 is GOD the FATHER & GOD the SON & GOD the HOLY SPIRIT;

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