zaterdag 26 mei 2018

S82; The Shepherd’s Rod Only For SDA & DSDA, Volume 1

The 144,000 of Revelation 7 — Call For Reformation
By Prophet V.T. Houteff & Prophet E.G. White & Old Testament & New Testament;
April 11, 2018 on Wednesday;

The Shepherd’s Rod Volume 1, Coincident Chart; Type and Antitype_Continued

This is the reason why we have 1500 A.D. as the starting point of this prophecy, and if these coincidents were divinely designed, then the Beginning and the Endings of the prophecy as on this chart, would be correct. See chart on Ezekiel’s prophecy on page 133. {SR1: 113.1}

The Prophecy Of Ezekiel 4

(What Transpires Within The 390 Days)

“For I have laid upon thee the years of their iniquity, according to the number of the days, 390 days: So shalt thou bear the iniquity of the house of Israel(SDA). And when thou hast accomplished them, lie again on thy Right side, and thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of Judah 40 days(390+40=430=4+3+0=7): I have appointed thee each day for a year.” Eze. 4:5, 6. The prophecy of the 4th chapter of Ezekiel finds its fulfillment in our day. This prophecy could not possibly refer to Israel after the flesh(DSDA), though it deals with a period of 430 years in about the same manner as the prophecy made to Abraham. “And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not their’s, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them 400 years.” Gen. 15:13. But Ex. 12:40 says, “Now the sojourning of the children of Israel, who dwelt in Egypt, was 430 years.” So the prophecy to Abraham was made in two sections, first being 400 years, and then to 430 years. Ezekiel’s prophecy is made exactly the same way, in 2 sections, but not the same number of years in each section. Instead of 400 years, we have 390 years, and instead of 30 years(400+30=430), we have 40390+40=430), making the same total of 430 in each case If this prophecy had a reference to the prophecy made to Abraham, there should have been the same number of years in each section, but since it is not the same, it must be another period of time. {SR1: 114.1}

Again, the prophecy of Israel after the Flesh(DSDA) is that they should sojourn and be afflicted 430 years, but this prophecy of Ezekiel says in verse 13,(number 4) “And the LORD said Even thus shall the children of Israel(SDA) Eat their defiled bread among the Gentiles whither I will drive them.” Therefore it is evident that this prophecy refers to another Period of time, and experience, than that of the experience of Israel in Egypt. The prophecy made to Abraham of 430 years ended at the time the children of Israel went out of Egypt, which is according to Bible Chronology (King James’ Version) 1491 B.C. According to the same Chronology, the 430-year period of the children of Israel had Ended 896 years before Ezekiel was even given the vision of his prophecy, and he put the prophecy in the future, for he uses future tense. “Even thus shall the children of Israel Eat their defiled Bread.” So it is altogether impossible for one to form a conclusion that these 2 prophecies deal with the same Period and Experience of Israel down in Egypt. {SR1: 114.2}

This period (by Ezekiel) had no reference to Israel after the flesh in Ezekiel’s time, for the LORD said (Eze. 4:5), “For I have laid upon thee the years of their iniquity, according to the number of the days, 390 days: So shalt thou bear the iniquity of the house of Israel.” In this verse the LORD said the 390 days (or years) are for the iniquity of the house of Israel(SDA), but in the next verse the 40 year period has reference to Judah(DSDA). “And when thou hast accomplished them, lie again on thy Right side and thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of Judah(DSDA) 40 days.” Therefore, Israel(SDA) and Judah(DSDA) are referred to. {SR1: 115.1}

The kingdom of the 12 tribes of Israel(SDA) was divided into 2 divisions in their early years; namely, Israel(SDA) and Judah(DSDA). But at the time Ezekiel had this vision there was only One Division, for the 10 tribes had been conquered and carried away in 721 B.C., 126 years before this Prophecy was made, according to the same Chronology. Being in the future, the Prophecy, then, could have no reference to Israel after the flesh. This 430 year period has never yet been applied to any time, or people, in the past, and therefore, has never been explained, just the same as many other prophecies that were never understood until they met their fulfillment. If the time of its fulfillment has come, then only shall We(DSDA) understand this “PREDICTION”). {SR1: 115.2}

We begin with the 4th verse and onward (we shall later take the first 3, and last 2 verses). Israel After the Flesh(DSDA) was a Type of Israel by the Promise (144,000), as explained on pages 64-113. The experiences of the children of Israel in Egypt was a Photograph of our Denomination, thus their experience is being reproduced in every particular with this people, and if there are 430 years connected with Israel After the Flesh(DSDA), then the same period of time must be Connected with the True. The 430 year period (by Abraham) did not have to do only with ancient Israel, but with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as well. The prophecy to Abraham of the 430 years began with the call to come out of Ur, and ended at Mt. Sinai; but this 430 years which ended at Mt. Sinai was a Type as explained on pages 108-109. {SR1: 115.3}

The typical 430 years prophesied to Abraham began in the True (our time) with Martin Luther, as explained on pages 108-111, therefore Both Prophecies–the One to Abraham and the One to Ezekiel–refer to the same period in Our time. The One to Abraham stands as a TYPE”, but the Other is a Direct Prophecy, and both run Parallel in Our time. We may suppose the 390 year period began in about 1500 A.D.(390+1500=1890), (when Luther found the Bible), and Ended in 1890 A.D., where the 40 year(1890+40=1890) period began, which would End in 1930. However, we cannot point out the exact Day or Month, or even the year, because (1) we do not know the exact day of the call of Luther; (2) prophecy deals with the Jewish, or perhaps the Hebrew year, therefore, it is a matter of months that we cannot determine. It may run until 1931, or even after, if the coincidences as explained on chart, pages 112, 113, were not divinely designed to point out this fact. The question may be asked, Why would GOD make a double Prophecy for the Same Thing?–because the Old Prophecy (the ”TYPE”) only gives the details from the beginning of the Third Angel’s message(E.G. White) to the Fulfillment of Ezekiel 9. The Prophecy by Ezekiel gives the information in detail from the beginning of Luther’s Reformation to Ezekiel 9, marking of the 144,000, and Unrolling of the Scroll. (“Not all in regard to this matter is yet understood, nor will it be understood until the unrolling of the scroll.” Volume 6, page 17.) {SR1: 116.1}

It makes it clear that there is a 430 year period from the Reformation by Luther to the Purification of the Church, as we shall endeavor to prove by Ezekiel’s prophecy which we quote here. “Lie thou also upon thy Left side, and lay the iniquity of the house of Israel upon it: According to the number of the days that thou shalt lie upon it thou shalt bear their iniquity. For I have laid upon thee the years of their iniquity, according to the number of the days, 390 days: So shalt thou bear the iniquity of the house of Israel(SDA). And when thou hast accomplished them, lie again on thy Right side, and thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of Judah(DSDA) 40 days: I have appointed thee each day for a year….Take thou also unto thee Wheat and Barley, and Beans, and Lentils, and Millet, and Fitches [Margin, Spelt], and put them in One Vessel, and make thee Bread thereof, according to the Number of the Days that thou shalt lie upon thy side, 390 days shalt thou Eat thereof. And thy meat which thou shalt Eat shall be by weight, 20 shekels a day: from time to time shalt thou eat it. Thou shalt drink also water by measure, the sixth part of an hin: From time to time shalt thou drink.” Ezek. 4:4-6, 9-11. {SR1: 116.2}

Ezekiel was commanded to lie on his Left side for 390 days during which time he was to Eat and Drink. After the 390 days were Ended, he must turn to his Right side and lie for 40 days, but during this time he must not Eat. The 390 days are 390 literal years according to the last part of Ezek. 4:6. As we have made the application, the 390 years began with Luther and Ended in 1890. During this period of time Ezekiel was told to Eat and Drink while he lay on his Left side. What is he told to eat?–6 Varieties of food; Namely, Wheat(Luther 1525), Barley(Knox 1547), Beans(Wesley), Lentils(Campbell), Millet(Miller 1833), and Spelt(Ellen White 1844) (Margin). We are not to understand these 6 Varieties to be Material Food to Sustain Physical Life, but as Symbols of Spiritual Food (Doctrines) of a to Sustain Spiritual Life. Had these not been Symbols of Truth, the LORD would not have asked Ezekiel to get a Specified Number of Cereals, and that HE should put them in One Vessel, and bake them into a Certain Cake, and Eat them at a Specified time, in a Particular Way, with a fixed measure of water. These 6 Doctrines may be represented by 6 steps upward (Reformation; an effort to bring the Church(SDA) to her state of Purity(DSDA). {SR1: 117.1} Thanks my LORD JESUS & Thanks Prophet E.G.White the 3rd message of 3rd Angel Rev.14:9 & Prophet V.T.Houteff the 4th message of 4th Angel Rev.18:1 !

Symbol 147; 258; 369; 138; 1+8+3+1=13=1+3= 4; 47+38=85=8+5=13=1+3= 4; 25+69=94=9+4=13=1+3= 4; 444=12=3 is GOD the FATHER & GOD the SON & GOD the HOLY SPIRIT;

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