zaterdag 26 mei 2018

S89; April 18, 2018 on Wednesday;

All In One Vessel

The LORD said to the prophet Ezekiel, “Put them in One Vessel” (Ezek.4:9). It will now be considered as to whether he really did put all these Doctrines in One Vessel. Luther believed in the Doctrine he taught, but the Great Enemy Flooded the Church with Deception. Not with arguing the Truth. No, no. But suggesting to the people that they now have all the Truth, and that they surely were Right, thus hardening their hearts against more Light. Soon additional Truth came, but Satan had already Flooded the Church with his agents, and prejudice was aroused against the New Light. The result was that the majority turned down the Truth. A few saw the Light and as the case generally is, they were voted out by the Church. Necessity gave birth to a new movement, or denomination. Such has been the experience with the church in each advancing truth up the line to our own time. {SR1: 120.3}

In like manner, the Truth represented by the BARLEY (SPIRIT)” was turned down by those who had accepted the Doctrine Symbolized by the WHEAT (FAITH)”. Knox Believed in All the Truth he had and also all the Truth Luther Taught. Thus the WHEAT and the BARLEY were in ONE VESSEL and Carried to the Second Step. {SR1: 121.1}

We next have the Truth Symbolized by the BEANS (GRACE)” and Presented by Wesley”, who Believed also in the Truths previously taught by Luther and Knox”, which were represented by the WHEAT and BARLEY”. The Third Step was Made”, and the WHEAT, BARLEY”, and BEANS were in ONE VESSEL”. The 4th TRURH was represented by LENTILS (Baptism by Immersion)” and taught by Campbell”, who Believed in the Doctrines of Luther, Knox, and Wesley”. Thus the WHEAT, BARLEY, BEANS and LENTILS were Carried to the 4th Step”, and in ONE VESSEL”. The 5th truth (2300) was represented by Millet, and this step upward was made by William Miller who believed in all the Truths Symbolized by WHEAT, BARLEY, BEANS, and LENTISlentils”. The “5th Step was made and the 5 Varieties of Food of TRUTH were Carried in ONE VESSEL”. {SR1: 121.2}

We now Come to the Last Variety of the Cereals: “SPELT” (SABBATH), in Connection with the JUDMENT. Is it not a fact that the Seventh-day Adventist Denomination Believes in all these TRUTHS”: The WHEAT (FAITH)”; BARLEY (HOLY SPIRIT)”; BEANS (GRACE)”; LENTILS (IMMERSIONS); MILLET (2300 days)”; “SPELT (SABBATH, with the SANCTUARY TRUTH)”? It will be Noticed the LORD said, “Put them in one vessel”. He did not say in Two, or More, but in ONE”. There are no other people besides Seventh-day Adventists who believe in the 2300 days (Cleansing of the Sanctuary), and it is this denomination (Vessel) which teaches all the 6 Doctrines as represented by the 6 varieties of Food. Thus the prophecy meets its Fulfillment in our day, and we are Amazed with the difficulty to comprehend the Great Wisdom of the LORD our GOD. {SR1: 121.3} Thanks my LORD JESUS & Thanks Prophet E.G.White the 3rd message of 3rd Angel Rev.14:9 & Prophet V.T.Houteff the 4th message of 4th Angel Rev.18:1 !

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